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Thursday, September 24, 2009


An issue that I would like to show in my 3d image is the depletion of shark populations. shark fin soup is a very popular comodity in some countries a bowl can coast more than $100.00. So there are more shark poachers than ever. some areas shark hunting is illegal but that dosn't stop people. Some people while making millions believe that they are doing the world a good deed getting rid of one of  the oceans deadliest preditors. Deadly, and dangerous these are just steryotypes given to sharks because of movies like 'Jaws' and 'Red Water'. One video that does sharks good is the documentary 'Shark Water' I was made aware of  how important sharks are to the cycle of life and how close the shark population has come to extinction. I want more people to become aware of this issue like the man who made he documenary. He has made this issue known world wide .